Magazine Submission Online Magazine
Submission Guidelines:
Thank you for considering submitting your music for inclusion in our magazine. Below is the criteria and guidelines for sending in submissions:
Artist Name and Photo: Please include your artist name and a high-resolution photo of yourself. The photo should be of good quality and suitable for publication.
Clickable Links: Include all relevant clickable links for readers. This may include links to your website, social media profiles, streaming platforms, and any other relevant online presence.
Description of New Release: If available, provide a brief description of your latest release along with the photo. This description should be concise and engaging, providing readers with a glimpse into your music and what they can expect from the new release.
Word Limit: Submissions should not exceed 500 approx. words in total. This includes the artist description, new release information, and any additional text you wish to include.
Text Format: Please ensure that the text you submit is in a format that can be easily copied and pasted. This will streamline the publishing process and help ensure accuracy.
Contact Information: Include your contact information such as email address and any other preferred method of contact. This will allow us to reach out to you if needed and will also be included in the publication for interested readers.
Confirmation of Radio Play: To be eligible for inclusion, you must have received an email confirming that your music is being played on Please provide proof of this in your submission.
Proofreading: Please note that we do not proofread your copy. It is your responsibility to ensure that the text is free of errors and ready for publication.
Future Submissions: Submissions without contact information will not be inserted into the magazine. Please make sure all required information is provided.
Thank you for your interest in our magazine. We look forward to receiving your submission by the due date. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at
Due date for issues are the 27th of each month for the following months issue.

Thank you ~ Julia