Submit your Music

For Artists

​ If you want your music played on this is a must read.

Play this file before you continue it may help.

  • ​We listen to all music sent in
  • We accept Mp3 files or WAV files only. We DO NOT listen to tunes on Youtube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music or any other source hosting your music
  • ​All new music must be sent to  If you have multiple tunes too large for an email, send by using and using
  • ​All music supplied must have the meta for artist and song title and email, otherwise it will not be played
  • If you use dropbox or any other source for us to download from, please supply the link and password if needed. 
  • Submissions from all artists weekly are over 220 per week so it may take us some time to go through them all
  • You will be contacted if your music will be played on  The email will explain next steps.
  • Please feel free to contact us at any time to find out if your tunes are being played send to: 
  • It would be awesome if you wanted to appear in our future online magazine, we need a photo or CD cover along with wording and download information for the reader or simply a bio so we can help promote you. If you are sending for the magazine send to: (content may be edited due to space or amount of wording) Contact us at if you have any questions about the online magazine. 
  • With four or more tunes you are also welcome to participate via Skype call on your COMPUTER to co-host a show where we promote you and your music. You will also get extra exposure on social media or that upcoming show and more after the show has aired. 
  • We play all music approved by us from independent artists from around the world. Tune in you may just hear your tune(s). 
  • Your tunes also get on our radio rotation throughout the week at random 
  • Those who co-host a show with us will also get their own page on our site to further assist you in getting your name out there to the masses. 
  • There are many more benefits to having your music played on Continually check out the web site for lots of updates. 
  • Add us as a friend on Facebook by searching for “Johnk Radiodowntown” to find out about upcoming shows, co-hosts and features. 
  • Does all this cost anything? NO 

​ At we are presently being played in over 179 countries worldwide and we are excited to share your sounds with them.

Promoters or Agents

If you want your Artist played on this is a must read. We are NOT a music promoter. Our only interest is creating awareness of Independent artists and their music.

  • ​Its very simple, you can send any artist song to however it must again have in the meta the song title and artist, and must be in the form of an Mp3 or WAV file only
  • Confirm that the artist is aware and approved that their tunes will be played on our station.
  • Provide a photo of the artist or the cover graphic of the new release which can be promoted by our station.
  • Submit a bio of the artist or a description of the new release.
  • Include all links where our audience can download or play their tunes.
  • ​​We will Send you an email that the songs have been selected for airplay, but without acknowledgement stating the artist is aware that it has been added to our station, it will not be played. It takes us well over 18 hours per week to listen to the songs sent in as we get well over 220 entries per week.
  • If the above information for the artist is not supplied it will not be played.

Note: Our past experience is that the Promoter or Agent can be quite busy and may not be letting the artist know that their songs are being played on our station, so we do that for you, all you have to do is send us in their contact information and I am sure they will contact you to say thank you. This is a Win-Win for all. We do all this at no cost to the artist or the promoter, we just want to help.

Thanks for contacting us at

​Here at Radiodowntown.c​a we are big supporters of Independent Artists and/or Professional Artists with a label. At whatever stage of your performing career we want to let you know WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. Our station on average gets over 220 song entries per week and we want to give you all the attention you deserve. It can be a tough game out there to get your talents noticed to further your career. Because we get so many entries it may take us a bit of time to go through your entries but we do promise to listen to all entries. Due to the format of our station we must choose what is a good fit for our many shows and our daily rotation. The only genres we feel does  not fit the mood of Radiodowntown is "Rap" or "Heavy Metal", all else are welcome.
    Not all songs/tunes will make the playlist, however don't be insulted as you are welcome to keep sending. if your songs are suitable and accepted you may be contacted to let you know they will be inserted onto our daily playlist, otherwise you can always check out our postings on Facebook (check out or Facebook Page JohnK Radiodowntown). 
    We would love to able to tell the time of day or night your songs will be played but they are inserted at random. We try to keep our Tuesdays free to go over all submissions.
    Some of you may be asked to be featured on one of our shows where we will insert your songs during a Skype audio interview as a LIVE ON AIR show. We will contact you about this show if eligible or contact us to request.
    You are also invited to supply photos, stories, upcoming events so we can insert it in our monthly online magazine for all to see.

On Air Presenter & CEO